Tuesday, March 30, 2010


HELLO FROM MONTANA,,,,, This is my first blog post! My name is Karren but most people call me Sis.  I live in Western Montana and decided to start blogging about my area and to memorialize my simple, ordinary life.

I feel so blessed to live in such a rural and beautiful place. I grew up here in Western Montana and wouldn't have it any other way.

Why start blogging now?? Well, I am starting several new things at once so why not! To begin with, I will be moving in April if everything goes according to plan, I am graduating with my Paralegal Degree in May and will be so excited to have everything done.
 The calm in the morning was interrupted by::::::::::::

 packing, purging, sorting and burning!!

"Moving food",,,,easy and sinful  meet at last!
Hope you enjoyed my first post. Please be patient with me until I learn how to do this blogging thing, I am winging it, learning as we go.........